Kids Help Phone

Organization Type: Social & Community Services
Address: 439 university ave, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1Y8
Contact: Caroline Vartanian
Phone: 6474631616
Kids Help Phone Logo

Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7 e-mental health service offering free, confidential support to young people in English and French.


The challenges facing young people in Canada have grown more complex, and youth need access to the supports that are most relevant to them. To achieve our vision, it’s critical that we meet these challenges — and quickly.

Our History

Kids Help Phone has a pioneering history of creating innovative supports for critical issues young people face. We began in 1989 as a unique telephone counselling service, launched to provide free, accessible support to any young person reaching out from coast to coast to coast.

Our focus was supporting young people experiencing abuse, but almost immediately, young people let us know they needed more from the service than one focus and one way to reach us.

For over 30 years, we’ve evolved our response and offerings. We concentrate on staying relevant to youth, recognizing the complexity of issues they face, and we help to ensure our professional counsellors and volunteer crisis responders are ready to address young people’s continuum of emotional and mental health needs, from crisis situations to the everyday concerns of growing up.

Kids Help Phone’s Volunteer Opportunities

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Unselfish and noble actions are the most radiant pages in the biography of souls.
David Thomas

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439 university ave, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1Y8

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